About Us

Hey there! Clearly if you clicked on this page you want to know more about us or the site. We’ll start with the site!

Washley’s Place was born of a desire to have a place to post our thoughts, ideas, trials, tribulations, or just simply neat things we encounter! A side purpose of this site is to replace the currently very terrible video website implementation created for sharing the game videos we record and publish. More about us below!

Note: Looking for the comments section? We don’t have one! This is a design choice. Since neither Neoma or I are robots it’s hard to filter out any automated spam that would come into the comments. Sometime in the near future we will be adding a link to a chat platform where you can interact with us and give us any comments you’d like to on our content.


Hey there, I’m WillyP! I’m a technology and video game enthusiast with a thirst for knowledge and a drive to be better. Professionally, I’m a Linux Systems Administrator with some specializations into the Atlassian suite of tools. Personally, I’m a jack of all trades. I’ve done a lot of things, from running radio shows for a Kingdom of Loathing clan, running game servers and other various “cloud” services for my friends, to tinkering and performing the regular maintenance on my car. Mostly though, I play video games, listen to K-Pop and Nerdcore and just try to hold it all together.


Oh hi! I’m Neoma and welcome to our site. I’m a big foodie and love travelling, maybe you’ll find some mukbang, cooking videos and travel vlogs here in the future! For now I will be showing my game streams, I mostly play (J)RPGs and enjoy multiplayer games as well. I mainly consume Asian media, I’m an Asian living in Europe. One day I hope to have a small patch of land where I can grow my own vegetables, and make food for my family and friends.